Between Pool Days, Swim Lessons, Beach Days, Summer Movies, Eating out, Jazzercise (yes the 80's leg warmers, sweat band kind of's making a comeback and I love it :) we've been busy. My kids are the PERFECT ages this summer!
Sadly (or not so sadly) My poor house and laundry have taken the brunt of our summer fun and aren't getting the attention they should. And if i'm being totally honest neither am I. I just might not shower or actually do my hair as often as I once did! I'm just saying, why shower when you're going to the pool later that day? Right? I haven't turned into a stinky hippie at least....yet! But if you see me and I look like a scrub you know why!
My weekly target runs which I love so much, have become minimal to non-existant and apparently blogging is on the back burner too. However, in an effort to preserve our summer memories here's a quick blip of what we've been up to: