Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A few Random Tidbits
The rules: List 6 or 7 facts about yourself, then tag others to do the same!Here are a few things you may or may not know about me!
1.) I have a horrible habit of picking at everything I eat! I think it's progressively gotten worse over the last couple years. I've come to the conclusion that, why eat the whole piece of cake when all I want is the frosting- so i'll have 5 pieces with just the topping. This drives my family nuts (understandably so) so sometimes I have to throw away the bottom of the cake before they see it. This isn't just the case with cake; I like the chocolate chips from cookies, the filling in the oreos, only the cheesiest doritos, etc. Matt can't think of one food that I don't pick at. Every food has a best part!
2) I am mildly embarrased to admit it, but I probably qualify as a reality show junkie. Some current favs are Survivor, Amazing Race, Dancing with the Stars, The Hills, and Bachelor. I don't know why watching someone else's drama is so entertaining, but it just is! I think it all started with the second season of survivor, where I decided I really wanted to do that show. I even printed out an application two different times. I'm really competetive and LOVE the competitions and obstacles! Unfortunately I would never leave my 2 babies for that long, so that dream is dead!
3) In my other life I am an amazing dancer. I kick myself over and over for not taking dance throughout my childhood. I love it! I would have loved to be a cougarette, and swear one of these days I'm going to get my lazy little self down to the dance studio and sign up for a class. For now Carson and I rock out on a regular basis.
4) I Love shopping, but like Tracy only for a good bargain. There's nothing better than finding a good deal, and since I know how good of deals are out there to be found, I could never bring myself to buy something not on sale. My family has a disease when it comes to spending money, but i'm not quite as bad as my dad and bros. I think Matt has loosened me up a little. The same goes for food too! I have been totally into couponing lately and i get the biggest thrill checking out how much I saved on the bottom of the receipt. Sometimes I buy too much just because something is insanely cheap-not always a good thing, but I justify thinking that 10 bags of chocolate chips make great food storage.
5) I love to travel anywhere and everywhere! I could be in Europe or in San Diego at a hotel. I love the feeling of no responsibility, no laundry, eating out and having Matt all to ourselves. Actually after our last road trip I should clarify that in the case of a road trip I love to travel without the kids:)
6) I LOVE food and I love to Bake! I'm trying to find that same passion for cooking, but as of now baking is much higher on my priority list. I love trying new recipes, mostly ones that involve chocolate, which isn't always good for the old waste line. Matt's bummed that he now craves dessert ever since he married me. I just feel bad it took him so long to realize the finer things in life!
7) I often over analyze and over explain things...sorry for all the long descriptions-congrats if you read it all!
I tag anyone reading this who hasn't already done it!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving Adventures
I didn't get too many thanksgiving pics, but after dinner we left for the middle of nowhere Utah also known as Blanding to hang out with Matt's family for a couple days! It was a crazy busy, but a really fun two days. Keri so good at having fun things planned. The first day we drove to Durango Colorado to ride the Polar express. Cutest town ever...and such a fun train ride. Carson was in heaven! It was freezing and snowing, not normally a good thing (especially for a totally unprepared southern california family), but if your taking the polar express to the north pole, then it kind of tops of the experience.
We sang christmas carols the whole way back and Matt and Brandon got really into the 12 days of christmas....i think someone slipped something into their cocoa.
So the last of our adventures was a big quad ride on Saturday. We went to a place right by Lake Powell, left the kids with sitters and rode all day. It was an awesome ride! We stopped for lunch in the canyon, rode a little longer, had a little adventure and almost got stuck going back up the dunes to get out. That night we all got together to watch the Cougers take care of those dang Utes!!! A good end to a great trip!!!
Matt and Floyd with an amazing backdrop!
Friday, November 16, 2007
A little Disneyland Cheer and Dancing Stars
Yesterday we went to Disneyland for the first of many trips (yeah passes) to enjoy all the Christmas festivites, and the park looked absolutey amazing! I LOVE everything about the Christmas season, so the sooner we can start the celebrations the better! Disneyland and I are so on the same page that it is totally okay to decorate after Halloween! Yes, my house is already decorated...but I did wait until about 10 days after Halloween-and if you think I'm nuts, just come on over and see how much jollier it makes you feel. Why limit that feeling to just one month, you know? Anyways, the lengths they go to to turn Disneyland into a Christmas spectacular is amazing. I would love to see their storage unit. Everything is soooo beautiful and there are so many lights and trees, etc. This is also the first time I went with Carson, and when you go with little kids, you really see it through a childs eyes so much more. We also went with Grandma Karen, Lori and Savannah, and the boys came and met up with us after work. The kids were again angels and had a blast. I think Carsons favorites were Small World and the Carousel. Here's a few fun pics:
I had the kids all dressed in xmas gear for a pic with santa...maybe next time!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sea World and the Schwartz
So anyways, the kids had a great time! Hanging out with the Halveys is always a good time! We hit up the usual Sea World exhibits seeing lots of animals, were nearly attacked by some way overly agressive birds who were apparently starving, and even squeezed in some play time at a kids play area. It was the perfect day to go- maybe a little chilly- but with no crowds at all, so Carson and Savannah could get in some good running around crazy time without getting lost in a crowd. Carson's been asking all morning to go back- when turned down he just keeps begging "I really really really want to and with sabanna too!"- hard to turn down the little guy. Here's some highlights:
Now you may think that sums up our sea world experience, but no...the best is yet too come! Okay maybe not the best!
So we got ready to head out about 1:00 to get the kids home for afternoon naps until we saw a crowd and camera crews waiting at the front. Come to find out Governer Awwnold (yes you have to say it with the accent) is coming in 10 minutes to give San Diego a speech to "pump you up" (say it with the accent again-it really makes it more effective) after the fires and let everyone know we're up and running. Naturally Lori and I totally wanted to check out the terminator- I don't think either one of us has really seen a celebrity before and if you really think about it, I don't honestly know why they're so intriguing, but they are and we wanted to be on the front lines. So the next little while was hilarious!!! We followed Arnold to the Shamu show and Lori even shook his hand- pretty sure she won't be washing that one for a while :) My camera battery died right before and we were really bummed to not get a picture. Don't fear, I think between the 2 of us we have about 20 others. We even took turns trying to take pictures of each other with him in the background. It may appear as though we are slightly obsessed with Awwnold, but seriously it was really funny. The kids were such troopers and sooooo good the whole day :)Here's a few pictures of "the govenator"
This is picture is for Lori! I failed miserably at taking a pic of Lori with Arnold in the background, so I was pleasantly suprised to find this one on my camara- It's Lori and Arnold in a pic together :) Can you find her? Kind of like where's waldo! I was really just taking a picture of the kids clapping during his speech. Too funny!