***#1. The day started with her standing on the kitchen chair backwards and trying to rock it. This is frequent occurence and no matter how many warnings of "Brynlee you are going to knock out all your teeth if you fall," she still does it. Well she finally fell. Luckily she just cut her lip and hopefully learned a lesson.
***#2. While I was putting on my make-up I looked down to see Brynlee chewing on a razor with the protective plastic taken off. How she didn't severly cut her lip...I don't know.
***#3. We went over to my parents for 2 minutes and within 20 seconds Brynlee finds the sharpest knife known to mankind and is cruisin around the house with it.
***#4. As I'm getting dinner ready Brynlee reaches a napkin up on the counter, pulls it off and the serving dish that was on top if it comes crashing down, shattering in a gazillion pieces around her. Broken dish count: Brynlee=4 Carson=0.
Keep in mind this only includes her dangerous tornado moments, couch coloring and toy destruction is for the rookies. Miraculously the day ended with just one little cut on her lip.
We sure love our built in work out machine!